Thursday, July 29, 2010

Skittles and your emotions. What is your favorite flavour?

     Every day of the week we each experience a great variety of emotions.  I like to think of our emotions like they are Skittles, each emotion has a specific color and taste!  Of course you could replace "Skittles" with any delicious assortment of goodies that you like.  The point being, that we have many options and a great variety of emotions we can experience each day.  Wouldn't it be great if we could pick out the exact color and taste we wanted all the time?
     Of course, life doesn't always play out the exact way we want it to.  BUT that doesn't mean that we can't make a choice to be happy.  All we have to do is sort out our Skittles and pick out the one that tastes the best to us!  Peace and love are two feelings that I have a strong desire to obtain in my life, and even greater is my desire to see peace and love in the lives of the people who I care about.  It is often these feelings that drive me to be the very best person I can be.
     But there is one question in my mind.  Where do we get our Skittles from?  Hmmm...  The Skittles that fill my bag come from the things I do throughout the day.  The people I see, the thoughts I have, the things I read, they all contribute to the amazing assortment of Skittles that fill my mind.  What flavor of Skittles have you filled your mind with today?
     I am astonished at how sensitive our thoughts and emotions can be.  One smiling face can make someones terrible day turn into a happy day.  One loving embrace from a family member can leave you with a feeling of warmth and empathy for hours to come.  What greater thing could we ask for than to live our lives in peace?  Well.....WE CAN!!
     Don't waste another moment of your time wondering if you will ever be happy again.  You can drown all your sorrows and pains if you turn to God and His Son.  A fantastic way for you to turn to Christ is to read the Book of Mormon.  It testifies of Christ and His love for us.  Please accept my invitation to start reading today, I promise that if you do, you will feel more peace and love in your life!
     To accept a free copy, click on the posted link and request a copy today.


Anonymous said...

I love skittles and the Book of Mormon.

Kori said...

What a delightful post! I couldn't agree more about the fact that we can choose to be happy. No matter what we are experiencing in our lives, nothing and no one can choose how we feel; it is completely up to us. And isn't life so much easier when we are happy?! I know everytime I read the Book of Mormon I feel happy!

Anonymous said...

What a "tasteful" metaphor! Our attitude really is all up to us and the actions we perform on a daily basis. We're constantly putting skittles in our bag, so we have to be careful not to fill it with those nasty green ones! The BoM has a great assortment of delicious skittles available! I'm gonna start eating today!

Grammy said...

I love the red ones! And I totally agree - we must look for the good and we will find it. It is a choice to be joyful. You are doing an amazing job!