My whole life I have always wondered what the purpose of life was. I often thought to myself "How did everything that exists come to be? And if there was a beginning, what came before that?" Whenever I think about these things I usually end up with a raging headache! There was no way I could truly comprehend these life questions without some help.
I was raised a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. I lived up to the standards of the Church for the most part of my life and had the support of most of my peers. But not everything I had learned made sense to me, and I found myself questioning the things I was taught. There came a time where I had to decide whether I was going to follow Christ and His Church, or start making other plans. I wasn't going to sit on the fence and wait for the wind to decide on which side I would land. I wanted to make that choice myself.
It seems that the human mind is only capable of focusing on a few things at a time. My brain is no exception! When I am thinking deeply about something, I examine it at every possible angle. I won't allow anything to distract me from the goal at hand. In this specific case, the salvation of my soul was at stake. Don't even think for a second that I didn't put my whole heart into discovering the truth!
The scriptures, namely the Bible (King James Version) and the Book of Mormon were two of my main sources for guidance. I already knew in my heart that Jesus was and is forever the living Christ. I will never deny the witness in my heart that He is there. This testimony will forever be sewn into the fibers of my soul, and I am constantly re-affirmed of this truth by the Holy Ghost. Even as I write this story I can feel the warm burning sensation that the Spirit brings.
Having put forth a significant amount of study and prayer, I decided to pray to God and ask Him if the Church I was raised in was indeed Christs restored Church. I can remember clearly the very moment I kneeled down and began to pour out my heart to my Father in heaven. I asked Him to forgive me of my sins and continued to pray, asking if the Church had been restored. My heart felt as if it were going to jump out of my throat and my hands were shaking. And all in an instant my mind ran as clear as the sky on a cloudless day. I felt overwhelmed with peace, it was very enlightening.
The answer I received was one that I understood. It felt similar to the Spirit I feel about Jesus Christ. My mind was cleared of
all of my doubts and question, leaving me with one very simple thought that the Church was
indeed the true Church. God answered my prayer because my intent was real.
This experience is
my personal witness to any who reads this that The Church of Jesus Christ is the one true Church on the earth today. You have the recources available to you to begin your study of the truth. If you have any doubt in your mind,
dont waste another day of your life wondering! God is there and He wants you to ask Him in the name of His Son Jesus Christ if these things are true.
If you would like to receive a free copy of the Bible or Book of Mormon please go to and request them. I bear my witness that Jesus is the Christ and the things I have said are true, I pray that you may come to find the truth that millions have already witnessed for themselves. If you would like a missionary like myself to come and talk with you and your family about these things, please request a visit from I again testify that these words are true and I say them in the name of Jesus Christ.